20151208 MYS Winterstorage

MYS winter storage

MYS winter storage busy but last minute slots still possible

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Repair, Refit and Storage

It has been a fabulous year for MYS in all respects: repair, refit and storage. Our huge 5,500m2 heated halls for dry boat storage are virtually full for winter 2015/16. Outside, space is still available on our expansive dockside hardstanding. It can be tempting to stay afloat through the winter but with the 0°C northern waters and occasional freezing, risk of damage to gelcoat rises. Definitely better to lift onto dry land and keep that waterline integrity and topside shine. We’ll do all we can to accommodate… and all at refreshingly reasonable rates. If intent on staying afloat but you would appreciate the addition of safe eyes watching over your yacht, we do have spare pontoon berth capacity… through winter and next year’s sailing season. Give us a call or drop an email in our inbox. We’re here all winter, we hope you will be too!

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